Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Beautiful Birthday

Yesterday was my 29th birthday.  I admit that it does feel like I am getting old but I love where I am right now.  I don't really want to go back and do anything over again.  I always thought it was funny when people asked "Would you do it again if you knew what you know now?".  Well, I only know now what I do because of what happened in the past.  So I respect the past and think about how it helps in the present and maybe other future situations.  Here's looking back on the year I have had.
  1. I finished my second year of teaching.  It was a little bittersweet.  Bitter because I knew that I was leaving the children I love.  Sweet because I was able to survive and learn from my children.
  2. I moved to another state for a little while with friends.  That had to be one of the best experiences.  Aside from not finding a job, I did learn a lot about other classrooms and yoga.
  3. I learned not to be so cocky about jobs in general.  Just because I'm a teacher does not guarantee having a job, which I should know anyway since I didn't get a job right away my first year.
  4. My parents are wonderful!  I don't think I would have ever made it without them.  I know at least one person that would say that I'm being spoiled and my parents are stupid for helping me out.  I say to that person that my parents are helping me because they can and because they know that I am trying hard.  I am probably luckier than her since I understand that.
  5. I have finally come to terms that my life will not turn out the way I always thought it would by the time I am 30.  Marriage, children, house, etc.  Yesterday, I realized that's ok.  I have awesome family and friends.  Those other things will eventually happen and enhance my life.
So yesterday morning I went to the school and visited with one of the kindergarten teachers.  I miss my children so much.  I admit to envy for the other teachers as I see them with their classes.  My comfort though is that I will someday have my own classroom again and I get to babysit beautiful children for now.  

After my time at school, I went downtown with ET.  She took me to the "new" theatre called the Hippodrome (it's the old IMAX, sold and bought) to see Star Trek.  One of the most awesome movies in a long, long time!  Plus, how can you not like the hot guys when they are about 30 feet tall?  After that, we went next door to the SC Aquarium.  All those fish were pretty awesome.  It's bad though when you can point out some of the different fish you think you might have eaten recently.  haha!  It was good stuff though.

After that, ET had to clean the house for her godparents that were coming to visit.  So I went to dinner with my friend KC all by myself.  Appropriately enough, we went for sushi.  Oh, how I love you sushi!  Anyway, KC and JB are so wonderful.  They bought me a book I have been coveting and hoping to steal from KC's sister.  It's Heather Ross' book Weekend Sewing.  My hands are itching to start one of those projects.  BUT I promised myself I would finish the 4 different quilts I have in the works first.  I need to clear my small, small sewing space of the extra materials.  When you only have a tiny corner of your bedroom to sew, iron, and cut, it's hard to be very creative.  I'm trying though.

After a beautiful dinner with KC, I went to ZB's house to have some cake that she made for me!  Loved it!  It was nice to just hang out for a little while.  I want to say thank you to everyone who made my day special either by being with me or just wishing me a good birthday wishes.

I just want to leave on this note.  I am almost through with the book, The Lord Is My Shepherd, by Harold S. Kushner.  I have loved this book front to where I am now.  This quote means a lot to me and hopefully will help you as it has helped me.

So too the psalmist [Psalm 23] is saying to us, When bad things happen to you, the challenge is not to explain them, to justify them, or even to accept them. The challenge is to survive them and go on living. (The Lord Is My Shepherd p. 110)


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