Monday, June 1, 2009

The Whirlwind Weekend

OMG!!!  Haha!!  I have wanted to use that expression.  There's just something about it that made me feel very teeny bopperish.  Anyway!  What a whirlwind weekend with such an awesome ending that I cannot express it!  I'm sure everything can tell though with all the random exclamation points.  So I ended up getting a call on Tuesday night for an interview in KY for Friday afternoon.  Definitely squeal worthy.  I drove up on Thursday and had an awesome time with JB.  Talk about nervous though.  I couldn't really sleep that night.  The next day I felt all stuffed up yet sniffly.  So I was sort of stupid and took a Benedryl right before my interview.  Yes, I know that it was a kind of silly move.  I just wanted to be presentable and at least then I wouldn't have to worry about that during the interview.  The interview itself was good.  Then double squeal worthy!  I received an offer to teach first grade.  Ok, it's more like quadruple squeal worthy!  I want to say thank you to JB for giving my resume and being the best roommate.  So I am more than excited and ready to start already.  :)  An old picture from Keeneland in KY.  Oh, how I will be there soon.

Tonight I ended up watching Jon & Kate Plus 8.  I have never really watched it.  Well, bits and pieces and if I can't get out of it when I am visiting someone.  Yes, I think all the kids are cute and yes, I also think that it is pretty neat about what they are doing.  I just don't see the fascination with them really.  To each their own though.  It does make me sad though to hear all these things in the media.  My take on it is that every marriage goes through tough times and theirs may be tougher because the media and their show are in their faces.  Yes, I do know that celebrities go through that.  I don't think it's right when the media does it then too.  I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes people grow and change without realizing it and they just need time to sort through it all.  Who knows what the outcome will be but hopefully they will work it out.

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