Monday, June 15, 2009

Through Rain or Shine

As of right now, it's really through the rain.  At least two weeks of massive rain (at least that's what it feels like) in Charleston and now rain in Lexington.  I'm hoping it rains itself out by the time winter comes around so that it doesn't snow like crazy.  I have a weird feeling though that it'll probably rain/snow for the whole winter.  I'm going to hibernate if that's the case.  So I'll need someone to make sure to mail me rations every week or so.

I had my first day of teacher training here.  A little overwhelming because the district here so different from home in many respects.  I'm too excited though.  I can't wait for the school to begin.  So far so good.

So, JB has said that I'm able to paint from room any color I feel.  I admit that I do like the color my room is now (a deep salmon pink) even though at night when it's darker, the walls close in a little.  I am thinking about a gray lavender.  I love the color purple but I don't want the pinkish undertones.  I made that mistake when I painted my room at home.  I didn't realize then (about 5 years ago now) that I chose a pinkish lavender.  It is just too pink.  But I think I'm going to do what they say on those home makeover shows.  After priming the walls, I will put on a few different trials of the paint and see which one looks the best in all the different lights.  So far I think the ones I want to try are called Ginger Lily, Sea Lavender, and Fortnight Lily.  Love love love Sea Lavender!  But watch it be the worst out of the three.  Sigh.

The last idea on my mind tonight is the meaning of names.  Ok, so this has been on my mind for a while.  Have you ever wondered if somehow you were named correctly even though your parents were really thinking about the meanings instead of the sounds of the names?  Well, my first name Christine means Christian or anointed.  And my middle name means warrior.  So together I would be an anointed/Christian warrior.  This makes me wonder since almost everyone I know that is named Christine also seems to be "anointed" somehow.  Maybe not in the classical sense of going to church but very spiritual in their own way.  I would like to think that I am an anointed warrior in some teaching and in helping my friends.  I am not be the one at the front of the picket line in either case but I will fight to the end to make sure my friends are always well treated.  I do wish I could have handled the last roommate situation a little better.  I should have defended JB a lot more than I did to the evil-forest-up-her-behind roommate.  I just didn't want to make things worse for JB after I left but in the end it didn't matter.  Lesson learned though.  Maybe in a few years I'll write about how I have fully grown into my name.  Look up your name and see if you fit your name.  Plus, it's so much fun to look at what your name day is.  Yes, yes, I know that I am a geek.  :)

I'm having trouble posting pictures at this time so hopefully I can show you a few new ones I took lately.

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