Wednesday, April 29, 2009

inklingo giveaway

This is an awesome website.  It's the perfect website that has been feeding my addiction to finding out how to sew hexes.  I'm still waiting (sort of) for a demo at our local quilt shop.  But I will, of course, probably break down in a week or two and just try to figure it out myself.  Hexes are appealing because not only are they mobile but the designs are beautiful.    Right now, I think that I'm a little overwhelmed with the idea of hand sewing.  It's hard to enough to keep up with all the projects I want to do machine sewing. 

Anyway, InkLingo is have a very awesome giveaway especially if you are into hexes.  Check it out.

Coin Quilt


I was very excited when I found the Moda Bakeshop online.  That's where I got the idea for my coin quilt.  She used Soiree from Moda which was very cute but I just love the color and tones in American Primer.  This was such an easy quilt and very quick.  Don't look at the bottom of the quilt so far because it looks like I was mistaken when cutting some of the coins and the length is a little off.  I'm not exactly sure what I will do for that but I'm sure I'll think of something.  :)

Today I had an interview for an assistant position at a Montessori school.  I have always wanted to do Montessori but it's hard to find places to get training.  Well, plus the money to do it.  It was amazing at how happy EVERYONE was at the school.  It's just very different than a lot of schools I have been in.  It was a group interview with three other interviewees with me.  Now that was very interesting.  It was pretty fun but sometimes it felt like "Biscuits!  You stole my answer!"  Haha!  We'll see how it goes though, it'll be two weeks before I hear for a call back.  Other job related news, the school districts here are still on a hiring freeze and none are handing out contracts until May 15th.  So I just have 16 more days until I know what the road will look like in that area.  Sigh.  Things happen for a reason, right?  :)
Bonus pic:  Cat helping me sew.  :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Very First Blog

I am very excited that I have finally started my blog.  Since I moved back home, I have been following so many different quilting/sewing/crafting blogs.  So those blogs inspired me to create one and just put my sewing out there and share.  I don't expect anyone to be really inspired by my blog but I would love hear feedback from others.

This sewing obsession started last May.  I admit that I was a little scared when I first began that it would was a phase that would only last for a couple of months at the most.  Little did I know then.  My cousin was going to have a little girl and so I wanted to sew a quilt after seeing a coworker's that she made.  I then asked her to teach me.  Trust me, I LOVE fabric. I always have.  To go through the fabric part of WalMart (when they had it), Hancock's, and now the quilting shops is like heaven to me.  So many different patterns and types to choose from.  It's like the movies you see when the room is spinning around the person because they are in ecstasy.  Right now, I'm starting out with baby quilts and hopefully one day move on to larger ones.  We'll see.  :)

A little about me:
I teach early childhood.  Not at the moment though because I moved and couldn't find a job so I moved back and still couldn't find a job.  So right now I have been like an one person quilting bee.  I love teaching and believe that I have found my passion and calling.  After figuring out that, I can only hope that everyone finds their calling.  I named my blog Southern Plumeria because I live the Southern part of the United States yet I have a tropical roots.  Plus, I love plumerias.  :)

I'll be back soon but I'll leave you with something I'm working on.  It's the American Primer charm pack from Moda.  Gorgeous colors!  Don't you love that blue and deep red?  :)